



巴宝莉(Burberry PLC)是一家专注于设计、制造、采购和销售奢侈品的全球奢侈品牌。大多数产品是内部生产的。该公司在英国伦敦有大约11000名员工。2015年,该公司创造了£25.23亿的收入使其成为排名前25位的世界上最大的奢侈品品牌(德勤)。这份报告的目的是了解巴宝莉的财务状况和未来的增长轨迹。在较高水平上,过去五年,销售增长似乎一直在从峰值水平放缓,主要原因是中国奢侈品支出放缓,但考虑到运营自由现金流较高,整体业务仍保持健康(Burberry Plc, 2016)。这份报告将有助于了解公司的财务估值。这一数据显示,自2011年至2012年的峰值水平以来,销售增长已经放缓。造成这种情况的潜在原因可能是来自其他市场参与者的竞争力增强和/或糟糕的销售和营销策略。此外,巴宝莉严重依赖中国内地的增量销售,自2010-2012年以来,由于政府打击腐败/浮华以及去年股市崩盘等多种因素,中国内地的增量销售大幅放缓。


同样的,对于其他指标来说,同样的店面销售增长和营业利润率也从峰值水平下降,原因是产品组合的变化(主要是来自于高利润率的许可收入的较小贡献)。对巴宝莉来说,这将带来许多未来的挑战。这张图表显示,2011年公司收入处于最佳状态,增长24%,但2011年后,公司增长下降了近50%。这是公司销售情况不太好的一个指标。潜在的原因可能是竞争力的增强和糟糕的销售和营销策略。这也说明公司没有创新,导致过去5年的收入损失(Burberry Plc, 2016)。与2011年相比,2015年税前利润也下降到非常显著的水平。其他情况的相似之处,例如,商店销售增长、投资资本回报率、利润率和每股收益在过去5年也下降到显著水平。对于巴宝莉(Burberry Plc)来说,这不是一个很好的未来指标。


Burberry PLC is a global luxury brand focused on designing, manufacturing, sourcing and selling luxury products. Most of the products are manufactured in-house. The company has around 11,000 employees with headquarters in London, England. In 2015, the company generated revenue of £2,523 million, making it one of the top 25 largest luxury goods brands in the world (Deloitte). The aim of this report is to understand the financials and future growth trajectory of Burberry. On a high level, over the past five years, it appears sales growth has been decelerating from peak levels mainly due to a slowdown in China luxury spending but the overall business remains healthy given high operating free cash flow (Burberry Plc, 2016). This report will help in understanding the financial valuation of the company. This data shows that sales growth has decelerated since the peak in 2011-12. The potential reasons for this could be an increase in competitiveness from other market participants and/or poor sales & marketing strategies. Moreover, Burberry was heavily dependent on incremental sales from Mainland China which slowed down dramatically since 2010-2012 due to a variety of factors including the government crackdown on corruption/flashiness and stock market crash last year (APAC growth was 43% in 2012 compared to 8% in 2015).

Similarly for other metrics, comparable same store sales growth and operating margin also declined from peak levels due to what appears to be a shift in product mix (mainly smaller contribution from licensing revenue which is ultra-high margin). For Burberry, this presents many challenges going forward. This chart shows that in 2011 the company revenue was in best position with 24% growth but after 2011, the company growth declined by almost 50%. This is an indicator for the company that the sales are not going in very good. The potential reason for this could be the increase in competitiveness and poor sales & marketing strategies. This also indicates that there is no innovation going on the company which led to the loss to the revenue for last 5 years (Burberry Plc, 2016). The profit before tax also reduced to a very significant level in 2015 in comparison to 2011. Similarity for other cases, for example, store sales growth, return on invested capital, profit margin and EPS also declined to a significant level in last 5 years. For Burberry Plc, this is not a good indicator for future.



