



在这位分析人士看来,我们要探讨的问题是:“音乐治疗是否能改善晚期癌症患者的生活质量?”“部署的搜索策略是使用PubMed和Trip数据库。还有一些在线研究是为了找出与之相关的当前趋势。多年来,改善生活质量的音乐疗法一直是成人姑息治疗的一部分。音乐治疗被认为是一种辅助手段,是为患者提供护理的规范的一部分(Kordovan et al., 2016)。有很多癌症中心提供这种音乐治疗,尤其是在姑息治疗领域。基于证据的使用被发现是许多当代研究干预的一部分。癌症治疗本身可能是一个艰巨的治疗(Cooper, 2013)。与人们的情感健康相比,医生更倾向于关注研究的生化影响。
医生们更关注的是治疗,而忽略了治疗对情绪的影响(Lee, 2016: Cherny, et al., 2015)。在过去的几十年里,这被用于罕见的病例作为治疗干预。因此,近年来的研究主要集中在患者的优质护理上。这些以音乐为基础的干预措施在许多国家的频谱中越来越突出(Ansdell, 2016)。有必要了解音乐治疗的有形和情感影响,了解治疗的细微差别,并将其作为提高人民生活质量的既定工具。所选的最后一篇文章是与争论中的皮科问题有关的文章。这五篇文章对PICO问题的确定起到了一定的帮助作用,也为今后的研究指明了方向。


In this analyst, the question that will be probed is “Does music therapy improves the quality of life compared with usual therapy in older advanced cancer patients?”The search strategy that was deployed was the use of the PubMed and the Trip databases. There was also online research done to dine out the current trends that are associated. Music therapy for improving the quality of life has been a part of the palliative care of adults for many years. Musical therapy had been considered as an adjuvant that is a part of the norm in providing care for the patients (Kordovan et al., 2016). There are a number of cancer centers that offer this musical therapy especially in the areas of palliative care. There is evidence based use that is found to be a part of the interventions in many of the contemporary research. Cancer treatment in itself can be an arduous treatment (Cooper, 2013). Doctors tend to focus on the biochemical impact of the research when compared to the emotional well being of the people.
There is more focus given to the medical treatment that the doctors forget to weigh in the emotional impact of the treatments (Lee, 2016: Cherny, et al., 2015). In the past decades, this was used in rare cases as therapeutic interventions. Hence the recent research was focused on the quality care of the patients. These music based interventions are gaining prominence across the spectrum in many nations (Ansdell, 2016). There is a need to understand the tangible and the emotional impact of the music therapy to understand the nuances of the therapy and to use it as an established tool for improving the quality of life of the people. The final articles that were chosen were the articles that were pertinent to the PICO question in contention. These five articles helped in the determination of the PICO question and also show the research direction of future research.



