



据进一步观察,大多数数据通信都是在那个时候进行的,这使得将微波信号和城市建筑物内的天线连接起来成为可能。这座塔由三根柱子组成,柱子就像一个三脚架,支撑着这座塔到达天空的高度。人们进一步观察到,由于这座塔的高度很高,因此,在建造这座塔之前,建造了一个巨大的地基来支撑这座塔竖立在原地。此外,它是在7- ‘ s期间完成的塔的建设,正式开始于1973年2月6日。进一步观察到地基为56,000 t,在地基中建造塔的地基时,需要除去泥土中的页岩。塔楼的基础建设历时4个月,之后上部的建设成为可能(Toronto.com, 2016), 1974年主体层开始动工。这座塔的建造花费了大量的工程,它的高度很高,现在已经成为最令人宽慰的旅游景点之一。


It was further observed that most of the communication of data was taken place in that time which made it possible to link microwave signals and antennas in the buildings of the city. The tower consists of three pillars that act as a tripod holding the tower to reach the height of the sky. It was further observed that as the tower was suppose to be of a great height, therefore, before the building of the tower a massive base of the foundation was created to hold the tower erect at its place. Moreover, it was during the 7-’s the construction of the tower was done which officially started in the year 1973 on 6th of February. It was further observed that the foundation was of 56,000 t where the shale of the earth was needed to be removed for the construction of the foundation of the tower in its base. It took four months for completing the foundation of the tower and after which the construction of the upper part was made possible (Toronto.com, 2016)It was in the year 1974 the commencement of the main level was done. It took massive engineering for the building of the tower which was of a gigantic height had now become one of the most soothing tourist destinations.
The purpose of building the tower was fair enough to let the entire city get access to the communication line such that the access to linkage could be possible. Furthermore, the building of the tower for a purpose of communication had given light to the place and made the place an excellent tourist destination attracting tourist from all over the world. The building of the great tower took fifteen years which made it possible for the entire city if Canada to get access to the communication network that worked brilliant for the people. Moreover, the tourist attraction has also caused the city to become famous for the skyline touching tower that was built by heavy engineering work. It was on the day of June 26th 1976, the commencement of the opening of the tower to the public was declared. It has become one of the most attracting tourist destination, because the tower could make it possible to get access to the lake Ontario and the site of the place brings a magical affect altogether for the people to enjoy its beauty and its hugeness in Toronto, Canada.



