



查尔斯·达尔文曾说过一句非常著名的话:最强大、最聪明的人,并不是那些能生存下来的人,而是那些能最好地应对变化的人。在组织中,有效地监控变更管理是必要的。要执行这些角色,管理人员需要加快步伐并执行一些额外的任务,以确保变更的顺利实现。这是一个管理者需要展示领导才能的时候,也是一个人可以区分好的领导能力和管理能力的时候。(Conger & Kanungo, 1987)因此,可以说,要成功地实施组织中的任何变革,领导者都必须发挥重要的作用。抗拒改变是人类的天性。每个人都在安全的环境中感到舒适,不想改变它。然而,对于任何组织来说,为了不断发展和保持公司的更新,随时接受变更是非常必要的。(pettigrow & Whipp, 1993)结合新技术、管理政策的变化、产品线或提供的服务的变化或升级、市场条件的变化等,是组织实施变化的一些不可避免的场景。然而,任何改变都不可能成功,除非这些被一线或关键的操作人员完全接受。员工在实施变更时可能看不到组织及其内涵的全貌。这是抵制改革的主要原因。因此,管理部门的一项重大任务是确保有效和高效率地实施变革。因此,这些变革管理者被称为领导者,他们有潜力影响人们,并鼓励他们接受和欣赏变革。领导可以被认为是影响人们并使他们朝着预期目标努力的行为。(博尔登,2004)。

根据Hayes(2014,第169页),在变革实施的时代,一个好的领导者所面临的任务包括以下步骤,即,有意义的制定、愿景、有意义的给予、对齐、授权、支持、保持势头和持续变革。其他一些学者也对有效的变革管理和领导者在其中所扮演的角色提出了类似的观点。领导者必须利用他们与员工之间的关系,承认变化对他们个人水平的影响,从而解决员工抗拒等问题。领导者必须反应迅速,但同时也要诚实地回答员工的疑问和担忧。领导者的另一个重要任务是成为高层管理人员和基层员工之间持续沟通的桥梁。确保传递给员工的信息与领导所感知到的信息具有相同的含义是非常重要的。从员工的角度打破沟通是领导者的责任。指导、指导和增强员工的个人角色,激励他们并让他们参与整个变革过程。这也是领导者的关键职能之一。(Change Management Leadership Guide, 2011, p.7)。使用现代技术可以帮助确保良好的沟通。利用内部网和电子邮件领导者可以让人们随时了解最新的变化(Proctor & Doukakis, 2003)。


It was very famously said by Charles Darwin that it is not the strongest of the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage the change. In an organization, it is imperative to monitor the change management effectively. To perform these roles, managers need to step up and perform some extra tasks to ensure smooth implementation of the changes. These are the times when a manager needs to show leadership qualities and this is when one can differentiate between a good leadership from just management.(Conger & Kanungo, 1987) Therefore, it can be said that to successfully implement any changes in an organization the leaders have to play an important role. It is a human nature to resist change. Everybody feels comfortable in the safe environment and do not want to change it. However, it is imperative for any organization to embrace changes from time to time to evolve and keep their company updated. (Pettigrew & Whipp, 1993) Incorporating new technologies, management policy changes, change or up gradation in the product line or services provided, change in market conditions, etc., are some inevitable scenarios for implementation of change in an organization. However, no change can be successful unless these are accepted wholeheartedly by the front line or key operating staff. Employees might not see the complete picture of the organization and its intension while implementing the change. This is mostly a prime reason for the resistance to the change. The management therefore has a great task of ensuring the effective and efficient implementation of change. These change managers are therefore called leaders who have potential to influence the people and encourage them to accept and appreciate the changes. Leadership can be considered as the act of influencing people and making them work towards the desired goal. (Bolden, 2004).

As per Hayes (2014, p. 169), the tasks ahead of a good leader in the times of change implementation include the following steps, namely, Sense making, Visioning, Sense giving, Aligning, Enabling, Supporting, and maintaining momentum and sustaining the change. The similar views about effective change management and leader’s role in it are given by several other scholars. The leaders have to address the issues like employee resistance by making use of their relationship with the staff and acknowledging effects of change on their personal level. Leaders must be responsive but at the same time honest about the employees’ queries and concerns. Another important task for the leaders is to become the bridge of constant communication between top management and ground staff. It is very important to ensure that the information is propagated to the employees is received with the same meaning as perceived by the leaders. Breaking down the communication for the staff from their point of view is a leader’s responsibility. Mentoring, coaching and enhancing staff’s individual roles motivate and involve them in the entire process of change. This is also one of the key functions of the leaders. (Change Management Leadership Guide, 2011, p.7). Using the modern technologies can be of assistance to ensure good communication. Taking advantage of intranet and emails leaders can keep the people updated about the changes (Proctor & Doukakis, 2003).



