
swot analysis 代写:著名歌唱家-芭芭拉


swot analysis 代写:著名歌唱家-芭芭拉

虽然芭芭拉是个著名的歌唱家,但她从来没有写过歌剧,她的主要工作是创作世俗歌曲。她自由地运用音乐结构。由于她大量的作品来源于优美的诗句,而不是感性的或叙事性的,所以她以新颖的方式对待它们。斯特罗齐以新音乐风格,在她的诗歌和曲调作品中自由地运用了词画。同样地,她在《stile concitato》一书中写道,这是一种高涨的热情,以轻快的节奏传达一些耸人听闻的场合或词,或者尽管反复提到过这个词或短语几次(Glixon 1997,311 -335)。

swot analysis 代写:著名歌唱家-芭芭拉
她总是挑选关于孤独爱情的旋律优美的歌词,就像她永远在唱灵魂一样,尽管事实上,她的风格要比一个人唱灵魂要活泼得多。Strozzi研究人员Ellen Rosand提出,Strozzi被处决时的这种表情可能是她唱歌和表演的围观人群的结果。朱利欧的尤尼桑学院(Academy of Unisons)的争论集中在女性维权问题上,比如《眼泪的美德》(德of tears)或《爱的美德》(德of love),而斯特罗奇的写作决定也反映了这些因素在她的创作中。

swot analysis 代写:著名歌唱家-芭芭拉

Although Barbara was a well-known singer, she never wrote an Opera and was mainly confined to the job of composing secular cantatas. She made free utilization of musical structures. Since huge numbers of her writings originated from melodious verse rather than emotional or narrative ones, she treated them in novel ways. In the style of Le Nuive Musiche, Strozzi made liberal utilization of word paintings in the setting of her verses and tune writings. Likewise, she wrote in the ‘stile concitato,’ a style of elevated fervor, communicating some sensational occasion or word in a snappy rhythm or notwithstanding rehashing the word or expression a few times (Glixon 1997, 311-335).

swot analysis 代写:著名歌唱家-芭芭拉
Invariably, she picked melodious lyrics about lonely love, just as she were lastingly singing soul, despite the fact that in a more vivacious style than one would take up with soul singing. The Strozzi researcher Ellen Rosand has proposed that Strozzi’s execution with this kind of expression may be the consequence of the group of onlookers for which she was singing and making. Wrangles in Giulio’s Academy of Unisons fixated on women’s activist issues, for example, ‘virtues of tears’ or ‘virtues of love’ and the decision of writings by Strozzi mirrored these components in her creations.



