
turnitin 检测:派的冒险之旅


turnitin 检测:派的冒险之旅

在他成年的时候,他曾经研究过动物。在沉船的时候,派被扔到救生筏上,鬣狗已经出现了。他看到一只老虎在危险中与海浪搏斗,于是提出要给它提供庇护。最后,他被困在一只孟加拉虎、一只猩猩、一只受伤的斑马和一只土狼组成的救生筏里,被困在了大海的中央。经过一系列的事件后,他只剩下了这只老虎,名叫理查德·帕克。作为生存的最初本能,他想到了杀死老虎(范·根内普35)。随着时间的推移,圆周率获得了发展例行公事的能力,通过传递祈祷和老虎的陪伴。虽然生存的机会很小,但派与理查德·帕克保持着密切的关系,帕克在整部电影中一直在精神和身体上推动派。凭着对希望的坚持,圆周率成功地超越了精神上的忍耐。他不相信他最终到达一个小岛的事实,描述了他在信仰和灵性上的损失(Althaus 131)。老虎似乎有强大的根与他的精神和身体的挑战,但在某种程度上,也作为一个向导。他仍然害怕理查德·帕克会离开他,但相反,老虎在岛上茂密的树林中游荡。

turnitin 检测:派的冒险之旅

During his adulthood age, he used to study animals. On sinking of the ship, Pi is thrown on a life raft with a hyena already present. He sees a tiger in danger struggling with the waves and hence offers to provide refuge. He ends up in a situation where he is stuck in the middle of the ocean in a life raft consisting of a Bengal tiger, an orangutan, an injured zebra and a hyena. After a number of events, he is just left with the tiger, named as Richard Parker. As the initial instinct for surviving, he thinks about killing the tiger (Van Gennep 35). With the passage of time, Pi gains the ability of developing a routine revolving across the delivery of prayers and the companionship of the tiger. With small chances of survival, Pi maintains a strong relationship with Richard Parker who in turn had been pushing Pi mentally and physically throughout the movie. With the maintenance of hope, Pi managed to push beyond his spiritual endurance. He does not believe the fact that he finally reaches an island, depicting his loss in faith and spirituality (Althaus 131). The tiger appears to have strong roots with his mental and physical challenge but in a way, also acts as a guide. He still fears that Richard Parker would leave him but instead, the tiger wanders off across the dense woods of the island.
He stays in the state of refusal for a long period of time. In addition, for beginning the overall question, he is in need of facing the specific situation. On exploring the island himself, Pi discovers meercats. He manages to rest and retain his strength on the island. Discovering a tree and a pond, he starts building his home, instead of sharing the life boat with the tiger (Archard 27). On one specific day the pond is full of fishes while the next day it is empty. Pi does not have any explanation. He soon realizes that the entire island is made from algae, which by nature is a carnivore. He discovers a fruit on a tree, and on pulling it apart, he sees a human teeth inside. Considering perishing his own decisions rather than ending up being food, Pi takes off taking Richard Parker along with him. Soon he manages to reach Mexico through the waters and people save his life. There is a complete shift in the overall incorporation to life of humans. He is admitted in a hospital, while he never gives up on his faith being glad for receiving all the care (Daniel 156). However, on listening to the story, none of the officials believed the story stated. Various people reach their prime physicality disregard even attaining maturity of psychological nature.



