



改变是一个极其重要的概念进行业务活动有效地在这样一个竞争激烈的时代,分析计划改变完美,和两个选择理论来实现和管理计划变更可能包括公司的核心竞争力和埃里克-可持续发展,复杂性和学习:从复杂系统的方法。核心能力是一个重要的概念,因为它有助于更好地理解计划中的变更,这个概念是由Gary Hamel和C.K. Prahalad提出的。这一理论的主要目标是提供一个惊人的大量资源和技能的融合,使一个公司有别于市场上的其他公司(Prahald & Hamel, 1990)。这表明,核心能力在实现组织变革方面发挥着重要作用,因为它们确保了公司的成功运作,这可以通过下面的例子来理解。GTE和NEC这两家公司开始时的业务组合相当,但结果却不尽相同。
其中,GTE成为IT行业的重要参与者,销售额达到99.9亿美元,净现金流为17.3亿美元。与此相反,NEC在成立之初规模要小得多,1980年的销售额为38亿美元,但公司的地位在1998年发生了巨大的变化。因此,NEC成为全球半导体市场的领导者,并在电信产品领域占据了巨大的市场份额。公司取得巨大成功的主要原因是它意识到了核心竞争力的重要性。这表明,核心能力是极其重要的,因为它们满足这三个主要标准,如提供更广泛的市场准入,帮助客户受益。在这里,最有效的部分是一个公司的核心竞争力是很难被其主要竞争对手模仿,这最终帮助公司获得巨大的成功(Prahald & Hamel, 1990)。


Change is an extremely important concept to conduct business activities efficiently in such a highly competitive era and to analyze planned change perfectly, and the two selected theories to implement and manage planned change may include the core competence of the corporation and ERIC- sustainability, complexity and learning: insights from complex systems approaches. A core competency is an important concept as it helps to understand planned change in a better manner and the concept was given by Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad. The major objective of this theory is to provide an amazing amalgamation of numerous numbers of resources and skills that differentiates a company from others in the marketplace (Prahald & Hamel, 1990). This shows that the core competencies play a significant role to implement change in an organization as they ensure the successful functioning of a firm and this can be understood with the following example. The two companies namely GTE and NEC started with comparable business portfolios but gave different results .
In which GTE was highly came up as a big player in the IT industry and its sales became $9.99 billion with a net cash flow of $1.73 billion. On the contrary to this, NEC was much smaller in its initial years with sales of $ 3.8 billion in the year 1980 but the position of company saw a dramatic change in the year 1998. As a result, NEC came up as the global leader in the market of semiconductors and grabbed a huge market share in telecommunication products. The main reason behind the company’s huge success was that it realized the significance of its core competencies. This shows that core competencies are extremely essential as they fulfill these three major criteria like providing greater access to a wider variety of markets, helps to benefit customers. Here, the most efficient part is that a company’s core competencies are very difficult to imitate by its major competitors which ultimately helps companies to attain huge success (Prahald & Hamel, 1990).



