



由于采矿业面临衰退,该公司目前必须处理四个关键问题。首先,矿业领导者对需求下降和产品价格走低表现出最大的担忧。随着主要市场平台需求的减少,市场开始面临高度激烈的竞争,因为像巴西和中国这样的资源生产国以拥有大量廉价劳动力和较低的货币而闻名(Zheng et al., 2007)。第二,澳元升值,导致商品价格上涨,生产成本相对于其他资源的生产成本上升,投资吸引力减弱。由于投资少,公司不得不削减开支以降低成本,结果大量员工失业。这影响了现有员工的积极性水平,因为他们更担心自己的工作,工作效率低下。此外,由于反采矿的举措,管理者在实施新的采矿项目时面临困难(Prno和Slocombe, 2012)。最后,孤立的工作环境和缺乏对矿工的组织安排对整个劳动力产生了负面影响,他们可能最终面临心理和生理问题,进一步恶化他们的生产力。

工作人员似乎遵循的模式包括开车进,开车出(DIDO)和飞进,飞出(FIFO)的安排方法。可控性原则规定,对管理者的评价只能基于管理者控制范围内的要素。然而,经理的感知需要一些评估来理解经理可以控制的元素。目前,Servmin Consulting的领导者倾向于需求下降和产品价格低廉。这种专注无疑是企业及其领导者无法改变的,相反,领导者应该专注于制定策略来对抗这些不可控因素的影响。因此,在应对影响企业的外部力量时,领导者需要重新考虑可控原则,并做出相应的回应。这将同样影响对高级、中级和低级管理人员的作用的看法。一个经济学模型研究金融和自然资本的可持续性至关重要(Zheng et al., 2007)。


As the mining industry faces a decline, the company has to deal with four key issues currently. Firstly, the leader of mining shows maximum concern towards falling demand and low prices of product. With a reduction of demands from major market platforms, the market has started to face highly intensified competition as producers of resource like Brazil and China are known for having large value of cheap labour and lower currencies (Zheng et al., 2007). Second, the value of Australian Dollar currency has increased that has resulted in increasing the price of commodity and the cost of production in comparison with the production of other resources, and hence the attraction of investments is weak. As a result of low investment, the company had to make retrenchments as a reaction to cut cost and a large number of employees ended up losing their jobs. This has affected the motivation level of current employees as they are more worried about their jobs and their productivity is poor. Also due to initiatives of anti- mining, difficulty is faced by managers to implement new projects of mining (Prno and Slocombe, 2012). Finally, the isolated environment at work and lack of organization in arranging for mining worker has negatively affected the entire work force, and hence they might end up facing psychological and physical problems, further ahead deteriorating their productivity.

The workforce seems to be following the model involving the arrangements of drive in, drive out (DIDO) and fly in, fly out arrangement (FIFO) approach. The principle of controllability stipulates that a manager should be evaluated only on the basis of the elements within the control of the manager. However, the perception of managers requires some evaluations to understand the elements over which the manager can have some control. Currently, the leaders of Servmin Consulting are inclined towards falling demand and low prices of product. This focus is surely something that the business and its leaders might not be able to change, and instead the leaders should focus on establishing strategies to counter the effects of these uncontrollable factors. Hence, the leaders need to reconsider the principle of controllability when dealing with the external forces affecting the business, and hence should respond accordingly. This will result in equally affecting perceptions of role regarding top, medium and lower level managers. It is crucial that a model of economics approaches the sustainability of financial and natural capital (Zheng et al., 2007).



