



对于员工贡献的时间,与支付给员工的工资相比,或多或少没有税收优惠。如果员工考虑自愿贡献他们的时间和精力,他们的工资可以从税收中扣除。当员工自愿贡献他们的时间时,在降低生产率水平的同时,成本基本上是相互关联的。Henderson(2001)从新自由主义的角度考察了企业社会责任学说,认为企业社会责任学说在被采纳时具有威胁穷国和富国繁荣的趋势。它进一步增加了减少经济自由和竞争以及破坏市场经济的机会。这进一步对组织施加压力,不仅是为了追求利润,而且通过与一些对实现经济、社会和环境目标至关重要的利益攸关方合作来展示他们的企业公民身份。Amalric and Hauser(2005)认为企业从企业社会责任活动中获得的潜在利益源于两个主要来源。




For contributions of the time of employees, more or less there are no benefits of tax vis-à-vis the payment of wages made for the employees. Wages can be deducted for the purposes of tax irrespective of the fact if employees consider volunteering their time and effort. When their time is volunteered by employees, there is mostly an association of cost while reducing the level of productivity. Considering the perspective of neo- liberalism, Henderson (2001) examined the doctrine of CSR stating that it holds the tendency of threatening prosperity across poor and rich nations upon adoption. It further increases the chances of reducing economic freedom and competition and for undermining the economy of market. This further pressurizes organization not only for seeking profit, but demonstrating their corporate citizenship by performing with a number of stakeholders crucial for the achievement of economic, social as well as environmental goals. Amalric and Hauser (2005) argued that the potential benefits derived by companies from the activities of CSR arise as a result of two main sources.

The first source perceives of expectation by the immediate group of stakeholders of a company that include investors, employees and the consumer. This is crucial for responsible conduct of business activities. The second source is the threat of new binding regulations that might be imposed by the state over companies. This can be surely considered as the neoliberal perception focusing on the threats potential to the bottom line of the company emerging, as an adverse reaction to the activities of the company further affecting different groups of stakeholders. As a result, responding to strategic aspects of the business, the development of CSR strategy is well- advised. It has been found that consumers seeing an organization as to achieve profits at the cost of other groups of stakeholders are more within the scope of expressing hostility across the organization. Considering the other way around, consumers hold the tendency of specifically favouring the perception of a business to achieve an image for profitability while maintaining social responsibility.



