



情绪稳定性被称为神经质。根据这种人格特质,一个人情绪稳定和保持平衡的程度或能力受到考验。平衡的情绪稳定对于积极投入工作环境是至关重要的。如果一个人具有高稳定的情绪,他甚至会有temprement,将平静自然。这样的人将能够忍受更高水平的压力和紧张在他的生活或工作场所。然而,一个人会低情绪稳定性都会显示在工作的地方更多的分心,工作压力的耐受水平更低,更倾向与其他团队成员等冲突将展出(阿洛伊希,厨师和韩塞克2003)。 这样的人是不喜欢在工作环境中的公司相比,高情感稳定的人,谁能贡献更多的控制在他们的工作场所的情绪和可以实现的最后期限很容易。招聘时的压力面试是面试官进行的一项个性测试,以了解应聘者的情绪稳定性。



Emotional stability is otherwise known as neuroticism. By this trait of personality, the degree or capacity of a person to be emotionally stable and remain balanced is tested. A balanced emotional stability is essential to positively put in efforts in the work environment. Suppose if a person is having high emotional stability, his will have even temprement, will be of calm nature. Such person will be able to tolerate higher levels of stress and tension in his life or in work place. However, a person will lower emotional stability will show more distractions in the work place, less tolerance level to work pressure, more tendencies to conflict with other team members etc will be exhibited (Bloisi, Cook & Hunsaker 2003).  Such people are less preferred in the work environment by the company when compared to the people with high emotional stability, who can contribute more control on their work place emotions and can achieve deadlines easily. Stress interview at the time of recruitment is one of such personality test conducted by the interviewer to know the emotional stability of the candidate.

Conscientiousness: When a person is said to be conscientiousness, he is she will be dependable. Also, they will have a trait of doing things in a well organized manner. These people are punctual in their actions. They are set to face any challenges in life as well as in work place. The dedication and commitment level of people with high Conscientiousness will be more when compare to people with low Conscientiousness. Hence, in a work environment, people with the personality of high Conscientiousness are preferred rather than the other category. As per the research, it is noted that the job performance level of high conscientiousness people are tend to be higher and they show better efficiency levels. People with low conscientiousness usually have lack of attention and dedication to work entrusted. They may tend to withdraw from any challenging tasks given to them. There are possibilities that such people may loss the important files or documents easily due to the lack of concentration. Most of these people overlook the deadlines. Hence, conscientiousness test is very vital while selecting an employee in a company. High conscientiousness employees are preferred more in a work place, who can contribute to higher performance levels that in turn lead to the overall business success of the company.




