


本篇文章主要讲述像素艺术在现代的使用,怀旧作为一种艺术形式出现,体现在艺术家对传统2位造型的亲和(Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013)。由于2位造型的性质,新时代的像素艺术被认为是复古时尚。由于这一事实,它被纳入许多艺术造型,特别是8位像素仍然存在,因为它回忆了历史像素艺术。为了讨论像素艺术的当代使用情况,我们将在后面的章节中讨论像素倒流和Pom Pom镜像。本篇新西兰论文代写文章由澳洲论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Nostalgia has emerged as an art form and is seen in the artist’s affinity towards traditional 2 Bit styling (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). Owing to the nature of 2-bit styling the new age pixel art is considered to be retro chic. It is incorporated in many of the artistic styling owing to this fact esp. the 8 Bit pixel is still in existence today because of its reminiscence of the historical pixel art. In order to discuss of the contemporary usage of the pixel art case study examples of Rogue legacy, Pixel pour and Pom pom mirror are discussed in the subsequent sections.
In order to understand the significance of pixelated art form “Rogue nation game” is used as an example. There are a number of factors that have been investigated from this case study analysis.
One of the modern day applications of pixel art is seen in the rogue legacy game. In this graphics all the elements of design are found to be simplistic. It adds to the ambiance of retro. In the pixel art that was initially added to the video games had isometric focus that was bi directional (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). This concept of Pixel art was replaced by modern linear perspective of the graphical art forms. Newer perspective geometric dimensions replaced the axonometric art form in 1990s. However in the new era this was resurgence in these pixelated themes for video graphics owing to the retro imageries and consumer preference. There was decline in the Pixel art form but it esp. showed renaissance in the video games. This is because of pixel art being considered as a characteristic feature of modern graphics of video games (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). There is a universal connectivity by users when the play video games in this pixel art format. The traditional 8-bit format was originally created in order for lack of hardware resources but in the new age it is being incorporated in order to invoke emotions in the player. The modern day pixel art incorporates newer technological elements for its portrayal.
There is also a modern day interpretation of abstractionism that is viewed in this pixel graphics.




