




这些服饰在各种国家事务中都被佩戴,象征着等级和战斗。披风和羽毛斗篷,卡利利,头盔和其他羽毛制品被认为是阿里的珍贵物品。这种羽毛作品也在波利尼西亚文化的其他地方发现,如奥特罗阿(现在的新西兰)和塔希提岛;夏威夷的基本技术仍然是相同的(Libal)。如上图所示,国王卡米哈米哈一世身穿黄色披风,因为他不是来自最高血统的人,所以他穿的是红色。然而,这种颜色代表了他的高经济地位,因为黄色的羽毛是最难找到的,也是最稀有的。这些羽毛披风和披风是由一捆一捆的小羽毛制成的,每捆羽毛多为6-10根,用来织网(Lightner)。这种网状结构是由当地特有的植物形成的,这种植物能产生最强的纤维——辣条杜鹃(Touchardia latifolia)。这些披风和披风是地位和高贵的象征。它们只适合ali ‘i nui (Kamehiro)穿。波利尼西亚的传统皇室颜色红色是一种杰出的颜色。如上所述,黄色是最稀有的,因为它的稀缺性而有价值。


The history of feather cloaks of Hawaii date back to Polynesian culture living in Hawaiian area. These feather cloaks were known as ahu ula. They represented the social status of royalty and chiefs in Hawaii as they were their designated positions. These feather cloaks were made up of yellow and red tail feathers from I’iwi birds and honey eaters. The cloak is very heavy; it has a plush cape which is made of feather bundles tied to fibre netting (Libal). Captain Cook explained this cloak as made up of finest velvet. These cloaks were made by following strict guidelines of the ritual and held spiritual significance. They also added mana to the owner via their shape, materials, and color. Additionally, these cloaks or ahu ula were made by kahuna, full time priests and specialists, who possess knowledge of history, religion, and genealogy. Kahuna used to chant the genealogy of cloak wearer as they worked on it, therefore embedding and evoking mana of ancestors into the cloak (Kamehiro). These feather cloaks, a symbol of prestige and economic status, evolved from a symbol of magnificence to a representation of arts now preserved in museums all across the world.Feather work of amazing artistry and skill were created by Kanaka Maoli during the Hawaiin era.

These items were worn in various state affairs to symbolize rank and in battles as well. The capes and feathered cloaks, kahili, helmets, and other feathered articles were known as treasured items of ali’i. Such feather work is also found in other parts of Polynesia culture such as Aotearoa (present New Zealand) and Tahiti; the basic Hawaiian technique is still the same (Libal). As shown in the figure above, King Kamehameha I wore yellow cloak as he was not from the highest bloodline to wear red color. However, this color represented his high economic status as yellow feathers are most difficult to find and also the rarest. These feather cloaks and capes were made by tying bundles of small feathers, mostly 6-10 per each bundle, to an establishment of netting (Lightner). This netting was formed from endemic plant which makes the strongest fibers, Touchardia latifolia. These cloaks and capes are eminent signifiers of rank and also of noble regalia. They were to be worn by ali’i nui only (Kamehiro). The traditional royalty color of Polynesia, red, was an eminent color. Yellow, as mentioned above was rarest, was valuable because of its scarcity.



