



How did the life of John Muir lead to his becoming a leader in the American conservation movement? What things needed conservation in America by the turn of the 20th Century? What group did Muir help to start? What were some of their successes, what was their single biggest failure? What might Muir say if he came back today and looked around him at the environment and our national and world efforts to preserve natural resources?
Most often John Muir is remembered as United States National Part systems father and founder of one of the nation’s large advocacy group over environment which is the Sierra Club. Throughout his life, he devoted towards making others and himself understand the significance of forest and conservation of land within U.S and therefore it is evident that his becoming a leading conservationist leader of U.S is related to his historical life. Due to the Industrial Revolution growing pains, a national approach was needed on conservation of land and resource and this happened at the turn of 20th century.
The two main parties from 1870 to 1900s were Republicans and Democrats. The system of third party emerged from categorization over slavery. The two prominent parties of 1850 consistently dominated the politics in America after the end of civil war. Environmental activists and conservationist group was started by Muir. The words and acts by Muir helped in inspiring Rossevelt, the President of U.S at that time to innovate programs on conservation inclusive of establishment of the initial Presidential proclamation national monument. The large number of industries such as mining and coal which were producing a large amount of profit did not want the conservationist groups to stand and therefore these large industries were the groups major issues. If Muir was present today, he wouldn’t have been much happy on the state of environment and natural resources. He would have felt the need to introduce newer innovative and strict measures.




