



因此,颜色被用作一个重要的营销沟通工具,因为颜色与广告产品有着强烈的象征联系。它是视觉记忆的一种形式。广告的观看者通过广告保留了产品的视觉记忆,并因此形成联想,如其象征意义的使用和日常功能的使用。颜色的联想可能是由简单的元素,如背包,运动鞋,家居用品等。了解颜色影响的公司会雇佣所谓的颜色顾问。这些顾问是理解颜色和个体之间关系的专家(Ogden et al., 2010)。Singh(2006)的研究表明,这种对颜色和广告的关注是最终的要求,因为大多数时候,当一个潜在的买家看到一个产品时,他们会在很短的时间内做出购买该产品的决定。60%到90%的购买决定通常是在看到手机广告的几分钟内完成的(Singh, 2006)。


Color as such is made use of as an important marketing communication tool because of the strong symbolic associations that color has with respect to the product advertised. It is a form of a memory visual. The viewer of the advertisements retains the memory visual of the product by means of the advertisements and hence forms associations as in the case of its symbolic use and functional everyday use. The color association might be made with simple elements such as that of a backpack, a sneaker, a furnishing for the house etc. Companies which understand the impact of colors hire what are called the color consultants. These consultants are experts in understanding the associations that can be made with respect to color and the individual (Ogden et al., 2010). Singh’s (2006) research indicates that this focus on color and advertisements is a ultimate requirement because most times when a potential buyer looks at a product then they would make the decision to buy the product within a short span of time. Sixty to ninety percent of decisions to buy a phone is usually done within the few minutes of seeing the advertisement for the phone (Singh, 2006).
So having the right color scheme for the phone is an absolute necessity.Wichman et al (2002) in arguing for the impact of color and why it is absolutely necessary for marketers to focus on this aspect in advertising and package presentations in advertisements, states that color would help the viewer of the advertisement to retain the image in their memory. An advertisement with neutral colors might not result in the imprint of the image in a viewer’s memory, on the other when a person views such an image as that of colorful ones, with specially appealing ones as in the case of the color schemes discussed above then they might retain it better. Researchers argue that this improves their recognition, the memory and also increases the subject attention (Wichmann, et al., 2002).Color plays a crucial role in the psychological processes of the person and in considering shopping behavior. Since the psychographics of the person are considered, it is also critical to understand the color.




