



正是在1980年代期间,人力资源管理的概念发展成为企业管理的一个必要方面。随着人力资本管理实践的引入,产生了提高生产力和效率的思想。在人力资源管理中,提出了如何提高生产力的首要问题。因此,人们发展了许多方法和实践,但在所有方面中,培训受到高度重视。培训和发展被认为是教育员工正确对待具体工作和责任的主要手段(Bratton & Gold, 2012)。通过培训和发展,可以有效地利用员工在工作场所学习的意愿。不同商业部门在培训和发展方面的重点已被确定为增加不同商业经济的总价值创造和盈利能力的生产性手段。
尽管如此,商业和经济部门、培训和发展对各自经济部门的增长和发展始终是至关重要的。目前,在大多数行业,企业组织都在对技术进步进行投资。例如,在日本经济中,技术进步是有限的,日本的组织主要强调培训和发展。因此,这进一步引发了对员工进行有效培训的需求(Guest, 2011)。对员工的培训使企业组织能够教育和指导员工以一种富有成效的方式执行任务和工作。没有适当的技能和知识,员工可能无法利用组织中正在发生的技术变革。其结果是,业务的生产力将会降低,对技术发展的投资将进一步证明对整个组织是一种负担。


It was during the period of the 1980s that the concept of Human Resource Management was developed as an imperative aspect of business management. Following, the introduction of the human capital management practices, the thought of increasing the productivity and efficiency got generated. During the management of the human resource, the primary question was raised, that how the productivity can be increased. Thus, a number of methods and practices got developed but, among all the aspects, training was highly regarded. The training and development are regarded as the primary means of educating the employees in the right manner for the specific job and responsibility (Bratton & Gold, 2012).The willingness of the employees to learn in the workplace can be effectively utilized in the way of providing them with training and development. The emphasis of the different business sectors in the training and development has been identified as the productive means adding to the overall value creation and profitability of the different business economies.
Despite, the sector of business and economies, the training, and development, has always been vital for the growth and development of the sectors of the respective economies. At present, in most of the sectors, the business organizations are making investments in the technological advancements. Such as, in the case of Japanese economy where the technological advancements are at its limit, the Japanese organizations are mainly emphasizing on the training and developments. Therefore, this has further initiated the need for effective training of the employees (Guest, 2011). The training of the employees is enabling the business organizations to educate and guide their employees in the process of executing the tasks and jobs in a productive way. Without proper skill and knowledge, the employees might not be able to make use of technological changes which are taking place in the organization. As the outcome, the productivity of the business would be reduced, and investments in the technological developments would further prove to be a burden on the organization, on the whole.



