


本文主要讲公司分配费用,因此,为了避免对费用的有偏见的报告,分配给费用对象的间接费用不应根据与数量有关的共同措施,例如直接劳动的小时数,而应根据产生这些间接费用的一系列活动来确定。在活动中心的基础上分配间接费用,往往避免了传统的以产出为基础的成本计算系统的相互结果,特别是在低成本的产品中(Platts 2005)。人们还进一步认识到,以活动中心为基础的间接费用往往会助长对资源的过度浪费和不必要的使用,而昂贵的影响则会使业务过程的运作方式过于复杂。本篇学院论文代写文章由澳洲论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Therefore, for the avoidance of biased reporting of cost, the overheads being allocated to objects of cost should not be set on the basis of a common measure related to volume like hour of direct labour but over the sets of activities generating these types of overheads. An allocation of overhead on the basis of activity centres tend to be avoiding a mutual result of traditional system of output based costing specifically within products of cost low volume (Platts 2005). It had further been identified that overheads on the basis of activity centres tend to be facilitating the target over wasteful, unnecessary, usage of resource, and the expensive effects over- complicated way to run a process of business. This particular technique of activity based costing is a system of focused attention on the expense of several required activities for the production of service or product.
A voluminous literature in corporate finance and macroeconomics has studied in depth the impact of financial constraints on firm value, capital investment, and business cycles. In pricing of asset, a significant doubt lies in how constraints of finance end up impacting expected returns and risk(Zingales 2000).Changes in conditions of finance end up impacting the progress of one state in the process of financial distress to the other. If the conditions of finance end up becoming aggravated, bankruptcy might be faced by the company. On the contrary, if there is an improvement in performance of the organization, there is a significant scope of overcoming the difficulties of finance and recovering these in the absence of any defaulting (Zingales 1997).
In order to analyse the context and data of this research, the perspective of capital market theory can be considered for investigating the risk of distress, its key attributes and nature. This particular theoretical perspective will be considered as the review of literature related to financial distress and distressed organization is incomplete and extremely fragmented. The theory of capital is built on the portfolio model of Markowitz with the underlying assumption that each and every investor is an efficient investment (Zingales 1997).In an intuitive sense, the risk of organizations end up increasing with the level of their inflexibility while capital investment is adjusted for mitigating the effect of aggregate shocks over the streams of dividend.




