
英国 代写:公司的成功


英国 代写:公司的成功

除了企业家的成就的增长和freelancer.com的建立之外,这个网站的增长也是显而易见的。它还获得了一些奖项,下文将对此进行讨论(Jones, 2002)。公司获得的奖项包括第15届威比年度奖和第16届威比年度奖中的“人民之声”两个奖项。除了公司的成功和Matt对公司的参与之外,Matt在技术、计算机科学领导力和企业家精神等各个领域都是一位有影响力的演讲者。2011年,他在SXSW盛典上从600位演讲者中脱颖而出,成为唯一入选的19位演讲者之一。他已经是包括Next Web、CEBIT和Summit系列(Keister, 2005)在内的各种重要会议的重要演讲者。

英国 代写:公司的成功
这一成功之后,Matt在2013年迈出了重要的一步,他拒绝了日本Recruit公司的收购,这笔交易的金额是4.3亿澳元(合4亿美元)。由于马特拒绝了这一提议,公司拒绝承认它提出的报价(Kloosterman & Rath, 2003)。2013年11月,Matt让他的公司在澳大利亚唯一的证券交易所自由职业者有限公司上市。它以11亿澳元(美国:10.3亿美元)的市值开盘。该公司以如此高的股价在交易所上市,成为第三大公司。在此期间,Elmer Funke Kupper评论到“这就是新技术对旧技术的作用”(McGaughey, 2007)。

英国 代写:公司的成功

Apart from the growth of the entrepreneur’s achievements and the establishment of freelancer.com, the growth of the website was seen. It also fetched a number of awards which have been discussed below (Jones, 2002).The awards that the company won included two awards which were given for employment in the 15th Annual Webby Awards and the People’s Voice for Employment in the 16th Annual Webby Awards.Apart from the success of the company and Matt’s involvement in the company, Matt is known to be an influential speaker on various topics related to technology, computer science leadership and entrepreneurship. In 2011, he was one of the specific speakers, one of the only speakers in the selected nineteen, from 600 speakers that were featured at SXSW. He was already an important speaker at different and important conferences which included the Next Web, CEBIT and Summit Series (Keister, 2005).

英国 代写:公司的成功
This success was followed by a significant step which was taken by Matt in 2013 where he refused a takeover by Japan’s Recruit Co. Ltd and the amount for that was AU$430 million (US $400m) for his start up Freelancer.com. Since this was rejected by Matt, the company declined to acknowledge the offer it had made (Kloosterman & Rath, 2003).In November 2013, Matt got his company into floatation, Freelancer Limited (ASX: FLN), on the only Australian Securities Exchange. It opened with AU$1.1 billion (US: $1.03 billion), with capitalisation of market. It became the third biggest company to open with such an amount on the exchange ever. During this time, Elmer Funke Kupper commented “This is what new technology does to old technology” (McGaughey, 2007).



