



在罗马作为21世纪欧洲城市的背景下,福拉遗址的价值和问题有多大?讨论了墨索里尼的via dei Monti (via dei Fiori Imperiali)和地铁C线的发展。20世纪初,墨索里尼在他的运动中恢复了帝国主义,并试图废除古代罗马的荣耀。帝国广场大道建在场地中央,墨索里尼可以从办公室的窗户看到斗兽场。如今,这座现代建筑仍然是建筑物受损的主要原因(Russell 2014)。这背后有两个原因,包括污染和振动。已经做了一些努力,他也被指示考虑当地的困境。然而,该建筑很好,但使周边地区的环境恶化。帝国主义经天,最终给罗马人造成了巨大的混乱。

相反,地铁C号线建在道路下面,这个车站也花了8年的时间进行开发和部署。墨索里尼的建筑遗产在罗马有很强的立足点,但也有许多建筑不是杰作(Ching等人,2010年)。事实上,在许多建筑物里都看不到他的身影。地铁C站是行人利用道路的一种方式,也可以简化通勤过程。地铁C线在帝国广场大道的位置修建了一个车站。Piazza是表示这座引人注目的建筑的一个重要关键字,由于位于其右侧的S Marco教堂的存在,它与威尼斯地区也有着密切的联系(Anderson 1984)。然而,地铁C线的建设将是这样一个有用的站点位于线路上。整个区域进一步扩大,以容纳更多来自不同地方的人群。


How valuable or problematic are the fora ruins in the context of Rome as a 21st century European city? Discuss with reference to Mussolini’s via dei Monti (via dei Fiori Imperiali) and the development of Metro Line C.Mussolini, in the early 20th century, was the one to have restored Imperia Fora in his campaign and tried to revoke the glories of Rome in ancient periods. Via dei Fori Imperiali was built in the middle of site for Mussolini to view Colosseum from his office window. Now, this modern architecture has remained as a key source to the damage happening to buildings (Russell 2014). There are two reasons behind the same and these include pollution and vibration. Several efforts have been taken and he has also been instructed to consider the plight of the locality. Yet, the architecture was good but deteriorating the surrounding regions. Via dei Fori Imperiali was eventually as it had created huge messes to the Romans around.

Instead, Metro C was built beneath the road and this station also took 8 years for development followed by deployment. Mussolini’s architectural legacy has a strong standpoint in Rome but there are also numerous buildings that were not masterpieces (Ching et al. 2010). Indeed, his touch was not seen at many a building. Metro C station was built as a means for pedestrians to utilize the roadways and also to ease the commuting process. Several excavations went on for Metro Line C to have a station at the location of via Dei Fori Imperiali. Piazza is an important keyword to denote this striking building and it also has close association with area of Venice due to the presence of Basilica of S Marco that is located on its right (Anderson 1984). However, the construction of Metro Line C will be one such useful stops located on the lines. The entire expanse was further widened to accommodate larger crowds from different places.



