



人类及其相关活动在排放温室气体的同时已经开始导致全球变暖,这一事实经过了近20年才得到更广泛的承认。过去30年来,由于燃烧化石燃料导致的二氧化碳排放量急剧增加,这可以被认为是大气温度变化的关键原因(Phillips, 2016)。目前,全球近80%的能源需求是由天然气、石油、煤炭和其它化石燃料供应的。根本不可能找到替代能源,在中期或短期内替代化石燃料。对能源的需求极高。《京都议定书》的主要部分在2012年年底到期。



It ended up taking almost 20 years for the broader acceptance that mankind and related activities has started to cause global warming while emitting greenhouse gases. The drastically increasing emission of carbon dioxide since the past 30 years as a result of burning fossil fuels can be considered as the key reason for changing temperature across the atmosphere (Phillips, 2016). Almost 80 per cent of the energy demand across the globe is supplied currently by gas, oil, coal and other fossil fuels. It is not at all possible for finding alternate source, for the replacement of fossil fuels in the medium or short term. The demand of energy is extremely high. Major portions of the Kyoto Protocol ended up expiring by the ending period of the year 2012.

But majority of the major emitters of greenhouse gas have been setting national targets for the reduction of emissions, and they seem to forge their own national initiatives for meeting those goals and objectives. Some have maintained their focus to curb deforestation and boost renewable sources of energy. A number of countries have been putting up experiments with plans of capital and trade. Regulators are known to set mandatory restrictions on emissions across industry, but organization that have been exceeding these capitals can purchase permits for emissions from organizations having allowances to be spared. There are some cases stating that there is lack of clarity that nations do much for meeting their stated goals of climate. There is yet clarity that currently pledges across the table do not have legal bindings and they end up falling short out of the requirement for stabilizing the atmosphere of planet.



