



这五个策略作为一个过程组成等阶段的质量目标,设计和实现了课程,提高培训的质量和工作条件的教师,涉及家庭和社区的成员在学龄前儿童提供教育和尝试的分析和收集的数据通过定量和定性的方法研究将协助监测和评价的过程提供教育。这五个策略,新西兰注重第二设计和实现的政策,包括儿童早期教育的课程和标准(Sarama &克莱门茨,2009)。儿童早期教育就是这样一个概念,在新西兰获得了更多的兴趣和重要性。政府认为课程作为基础教育质量的提高在不同的上下文。

课程也扮演着一个很重要的角色,协助员工规范和识别的教学目标,以促进他们的发展过程中,通过适当地关注幼儿的基本需求和要求。这个框架和概念的一个重要方面是家长的参与作为一个援助的全面发展孩子们在家通过启动一个良好的学习环境(舍夫查克Leana Appelbaum,&,2009)。因此,桥梁之间的差距的员工和家长关于共享信息的活动的儿童学习中心,如果需要进行干预的必要性。


These five policies act as a process comprising of the phases such as setting out quality goals, designing and implementing the curriculum, improving the quality of training and working conditions of the teachers, involving the families and the members of the communities in the provision of education to the preschoolers and attempting an analysis of the available and collected data through the means of quantitative and qualitative research which will assist in the monitoring and evaluating the processes of provision of education. Out of these five policies, New Zealand lays stress on the second policy which comprises of the designing and implementation of the curriculum and standards of early childhood education (Sarama & Clements, 2009). Early childhood education is such a concept which has gained much interest and importance in New Zealand. The administration considers the curriculum as a cornerstone in the improvement of the quality of education among different contexts.

The curriculum also plays an important role in assisting the staffs in the specification and identification of the pedagogical aims, so as to contribute in their development process, by properly focusing on the basic needs and demands of the toddlers. An important aspect of this framework and concept is the involvement of the parents as an assistance in the all round development of the children through the initiation of a good learning environment at home (Leana, Appelbaum, & Shevchuk, 2009). Consequently, it bridges the gap between the staffs and the parents regarding the sharing of the information on the activities of the children in the learning centres and the need to intervene if required.



