



为柯达公司申请SOSTA。索斯塔的三个关键变量已被详细披露。柯达曾经是电影业务的市场领导者。最终,由于缺乏适当的创新和对公司最初目标的忽视,它们已经衰落了。公司已从最初的目标多样化。运用SWOT分析,发现公司的主要优势是品牌形象。该公司的主要弱点是缺乏创新,没有采用更新的技术。这是由于复杂的管理阶层(Freeman, 2010)失去了消费者佳能和富士由于这个因素。柯达需要开发创新的相关产品,以抓住失去的市场。公司有更多的竞争者和竞争者。这是公司的威胁。波特斯的分析也得出了类似的结果,由于竞争激烈,该公司失去了对供应商和最终消费者的影响力。替代的威胁也很高。产品:公司需要精简现有的几个部门。应该有更分散的管理。
应该给员工更多的自主权。公司应该采用更新的数字技术,并使其产品范围多样化。应该更多地关注数字战略和数字营销工具。价格:公司拥有巨大的品牌资产,它可以利用这一战略,专注于良好的消费者基础。该产品的定价应低于佳能和富士等竞争对手(Freeman, 2010)。推广:通过与摄影应用开发商和Instagram等社交媒体合作,该公司可以开发更新的推广项目来吸引消费者。地点:柯达最初可以专注于某些领域,以开发利基市场,如电影行业和生物医药行业。这将使该公司能够慢慢建立失去的消费者基础。起初,由于战略上的失败,公司未能取得成功。实际销售和利润产生是有形资产。(Freeman, 2010)消费者获取和品牌知名度的传播是另一个关键指标。


Applying SOSTA for Kodak Company. Three key variables of SOSTA have been divulged in detail .Kodak was once the market leader in film business. Eventually, they had faded due to lack of proper innovation and loss of sight of the original objectives of the company. Company has diversified from its primary objectives. Apply SWOT analysis, it has been found that the major strength of the company is the brand image. The major weakness of the company is lack of innovation and the company did not embrace newer technology. This is due to complex hierarchy in the management (Freeman, 2010) Lost its consumers to Canon and Fuji owing to this factor. Kodak needs to develop innovative related products to capture the lost markets. There are many more players and competitors for the company. This is the threat of the company. Porters analysis states similar results that owing to high levels of competition, the company has lost leverage with its suppliers and end consumers. Threat of substitution is also high. Product: Company needs to streamline several of the current departments. There should be a more decentralized management.
More autonomy should be given to the employees. Company should embrace newer digital technology and diversify its product range. There should be more focus on digital strategy and digital marketing tools. Price: There is immense brand equity for the company it can use this strategy to focus on nice consumer base. Pricing of the product should be lesser than the competitors such as Canon and Fuji (Freeman, 2010). Promotion: By working together with photography app developers and social media like Instagram, the company can develop newer promotion programs to engage consumers. Place: Kodak can initially focus on certain sectors to develop niche markets like film industry and biomedical industry. This would enable the company to slowly build the lost consumer base. Initially, the company has failed to perform owing to strategic failure. Actual sales and profit generation are the tangible assets. (Freeman, 2010) Consumer acquisition and spreading brand awareness are the other key indicators.



