



在这项研究中,我们发现当孩子们有更多的户外活动空间时,他们的认知和社交能力有了很大的提高。然而,某些因素会成为孩子在户外玩耍的障碍(Ernst, 2012)。因为这项研究是为了找出这些因素的细微差别。恩斯特(2012)在明尼苏达州对81家有执照的托儿机构进行了一项横断面调查。通过对托儿中心的研究,确定儿童需要更多地在户外和自然区域玩耍,以获得更大的认知发展和功能。孩子们从户外玩耍中获益。然而,社会经济地位的作用似乎对学龄前儿童接触大自然起着至关重要的作用。学龄前儿童不允许进入自然区域,原因是缺乏适当的服装、安全或责任方面的考虑,或者仅仅是缺乏资源。
它也给孩子灌输了创造性的游戏;然而,儿童的主要障碍是缺乏在户外安全玩耍的资源。这些安全因素和确保儿童真正学习的因素取决于儿童的主要养育者的看法。Barnett & Weber(2008)认为母亲的感知在理解动态过程中起着重要的作用。因此,应探讨母亲在儿童中的作用,使儿童能更好地与自然互动。阻碍儿童与外部世界互动的主要问题是财政资源、基础设施、父母的看法和儿童玩耍的安全问题。对这些发现的分析和讨论将在下一节加以说明。儿童的发育和大脑在幼年时期的发育是非常复杂和模糊的。它实际上取决于每个人的主观需要,不能一概而论。游戏应该有多样性,以确保孩子们得到全面的发展。


It was determined in this research that the children when they had access to more outdoor play areas, and there was considerable improvement in their cognitive and social skills. Nonetheless certain factors become hurdles for the child to play in the outdoors (Ernst, 2012). For this research was undertaken to find out the nuances of these factors. Ernst (2012) conducted a cross-sectional survey in Minnesota from 81 licensed childcare providers. From research of the childcare centers, it was determined that children need to play in the outdoor areas and natural areas more for greater cognitive development and functions. Children benefit from playing in outdoor areas. However, there is the role of the socio-economic status that seems to play an imperative role for the preschool children to gain access to nature. The children of preschool age are not allowed access to the natural areas owing to lack of appropriate attire, safety or liability concerns or simply lack of resources.
It also instilled creative play in the child; however, the main impediment for the child was lack of resources to play safely in the outdoor areas.These factors of safety and ensuring that the child really learns depend on the perception of the primary nurturer of the child. Barnett & Weber (2008) stated that the mother perceptions play an important role in understanding of the dynamics. Owing to this, the mothers’ role in the child should be explored to enable the child to have better interaction with nature. The major issues that prevent children from interacting with the outer world are the financial resources, infrastructure, perception of the parents and safety concerns for the child to play. The analysis and the discussions of these findings are explained in the following section.Childhood development and the development of the brain in the young age are very complex and obscure. It actually depends on the subjective needs of each individual and cannot be generalized. There should be diversity in the game play in order to ensure that the children are developed comprehensively.



