


本篇文章主要讲活动中的食物奇观,现代社会已经把它的实际力量从自身分离出来,变成了一种欲望的奇观,成为消费者不允许自己的推理能力发展而进入的一个独立领域。这也表明,消费者和整个社会正在抛弃他们的理性能力,以及对景观能够对他们产生的影响的理性。Severn and Goodfriend(2015)指出了在“外域”活动中食物奇观的形成,以及人们是如何更愿意为浇在他们身上的甜贝尔格纳特舞而翩翩起舞的。本篇作业代写文章由澳洲论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Modern society has separated its practical powers from itself and has converted into a spectacle of desire and as an independent realm into which consumers are led to enter by not allowing their reasoning capabilities to flourish. This also shows that consumers and society at large is leaving behind their ability to reason and reason well about the influences that the spectacle is able to have on them. Severn and Goodfriend (2015) indicates the formation of food spectacle at the event of Outside Lands and how people were more than willing to twerk for the sugary beignets that were poured on them.
Food as a spectacle was used at the event which made consumers give up their inhibitions and indulge in acts that were considered more than normal. Food related compelling stories were used at the festival to make the audience engaging, and in addition, food preparation workshops created by multiple chefs had been used to spread the word of food culture and public media. Food transformed into a large media extravaganza which his hard to beat makes food as a spectacle of achievement. Moreover, since food is within reach for most consumers the influence of the spectacle is deeper and the success ratio for food companies is never declining.
Food as a culture is different for different religions and cultures and it is the variableness which makes media capitalise on the weak links of consumers for food. The self-conduct of eating every day is a property of being human and living, and the spectacle uses the act of eating as an experience and expresses the feelings through media to dominate the decisions of consumers which are mostly in the favour of these food companies. So powerful is this media spectacle that the site of Ground Zero has been turned into a tourist attraction for millions of tourists, made possible through the excessive highlight and repetitive display and reinforcement of the site as a political subject (Lisle 2004). Spectacle as said by Debord being the self-portrait of power under the current conditions where power is considered to be totalitarian and ruling over the conditions of existence for all beings.




